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Insulin pumps & CGM
Insulin pump back-up kits
Comparing insulin pumps
Compare insulin pumps with AID (ADC)
Pump comparison sheet (Diabetes NZ)
Compare funded insulin pumps (Pharmac)
Compare insulin pump systems
Use this resource to compare the two funded insulin pump systems with automated insulin delivery available in Aotearoa New Zealand
- Tandem:Slim insulin pump with Control IQ
- YPSOpump insulin pump with CamAPS FX
Compare stand-alone CGM
Use this resource to compare all of the funded and un-funded stand-alone CGM options
Compare pump compatible CGM
Use this resource to compare all of the funded and un-funded pump/AID compatible CGM options
Tandem back-up checklist
Use this checklist to ensure your back-up kit is fully stocked with all of the essentials
Ypso back-up kit checklist
Use this checklist to ensure your back-up kit is fully stocked with all of the essentials
Medtronic back-up kit checklist
Use this checklist to ensure your back-up kit is fully stocked with all of the essentials
Medtrum Nano Back-up kit checklist
Use this checklist to ensure your back-up kit is fully stocked with all of the essentials