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Education for groups and healthcare professionals

Our team of expert clinicians are available to provide education for people with diabetes, communities and healthcare professionals throughout Aotearoa New Zealand. 

Looking for the Advanced Diabetes Management Course? Click here

Group Education

Education for whānau with diabetes, individuals or groups

We  can provide individualised or generic education to meet the needs of you, your whānau or a group of people with diabetes. Some examples of education topics we can offer include;

  • Prediabetes

  • Type 1 diabetes

  • Type 2 diabetes

  • Diet & lifestyle advice

  • Carbohydrate counting & insulin

  • Diabetes complications

  • Diabetes medication and Insulin

  • Insulin pumps and other technology

  • Continuous glucose monitors 

From the basics of diabetes, right through to complex management of diabetes and related complications, we can help you and your whānau build knowledge and confidence to manage diabetes well. 

Health Professional Education

Our team is highly experienced in health care education.

We are experts at tailoring education to the needs of you and your service. Examples of our healthcare education services include:

  • Guest speaking

  • Study days

  • Tertiary education 

  • Mentorship

  • Conference presentations

  • Online education / webinars

  • Visual resources

  • In-service education eg. Rest homes, residential care, workplaces, GP surgery's, community services, hospital departments. 

From the basics of diabetes, right through to complex management of diabetes and related complications, we can help you and your team build knowledge and confidence working with people with diabetes. 


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